公司简介 所有职位
CNIM is a French company with high technology skills, which activity is developed in three fields: —Military aerospace —Environment —Transport of pedestrian (escalator, lifts…) For its transport of pedestrian division CNIM starts a company in Guangzhou area for producing selling escalators, lifts… High motivation high skills profiles are required for real opportunity of Career in international environment. Conditions will be discussed according experience background of each cidate; Training is forecasted in France during the first year. CNIM website: CNIM公司为一世界知名的法国企业集团,是国际上成功的公共运输设备制造商之一。塞纳塞纳自动梯(佛山)有限公司成立于2005年,CNIM在中国的重点投资项目,以外商独资企业的身份落户在国家火炬计划基地—-高明区沧江工业园,经营范围包括列车门、站台门(屏蔽门)、自动扶梯等铁路运输、城市快速轨道设备及相关零部件的生产、销售及售后服务。现因发展需要,诚聘以下人才。一经录用,本公司即严格按照国家劳动法规定为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬福利及工作环境。以上职位办公地点均在广东省佛山市高明沧江工业园。